PB1B - Genre Generators

   Today I will be discussing content from 4 different gene generator websites. These 4 genre generator websites are Scigen, Pandyland, Meme generator and Plot generator.
    The first genre I’ll be analyzing is a research paper on the influence of probabilistic methodologies on networking. Before I even analyzed this paper I predicted some conventions. These conventions consisted of the research paper having an introduction, analysis, experimental evaluation, experimental analysis, data tables/ charts as well as a conclusion. After analyzing the research paper I found out that all my predicted conventions were correct. However, I also found out that I had missed several conventions. I missed the abstract, title, articheture, implementation, hardware and software configuration, experimental results, related work, multi-processors, encrypted epistemologies, and references of a research paper. 
                   The Influence of Probabilistic Methodologies on Networking Research Paper!!
      My second genre which is a comic strip on Pandyland  has more imagery and way less information than my first genre on the research paper. Prior to reading the comic strip automatically a handful of conventions popped up in my head. Some being that a comic strip is amusing, careless, punctuation signs are usually present, the use of colors and  thought bubbles all are conventions that I believe are always in comic strips. After observing the comic strip I came to a conclusion that I was right about my predictions but once again I was oblivious to many more convention in the comic strip. For example, the use of speech are more dramatic and short, use of facial expressions are perceptible, and close ups and POV shots are inevitable.

     The third genre is a meme that can be found on Meme generator.This genre relates to my comic strip genre in many ways. Before even inspecting the meme I could already see that this genre and the comic strip genre has several conventions that are identical. They both are amusing, both puts out more imagery then information and the use of speech is similar to each other. I also said that memes can connect to the real world and it can also attack people and their beliefs. Once more I was correct although I failed to hit many conventions. Such as, memes can consist of characters, cartoons, and celebrities. Also memes carry out a specific message for a specific type of group. Memes can attack people peoples beliefs as well as attacking someone on a emotional level.

     My fourth and last generator genre is one that I picked on my own. It is a plot generator. Personally I have never heard of a plot generally but I assume that a plot generator would be made of everything that a story is made up of. With that being said I assume that a plot generator will have a title, introduction, a conflict, resolution and a conclusion. After going on the plot generator website and creating a quick romance blurb as well as a crime blurb. I quickly came to a realization that this plot generator did not end with a resolution nor a conclusion but rather left its audience confused and wondering. But the plot generator blurb did have a title as well as a introduction, and a conflict.

    So how can what's happening in these websites better help someone understand genre? Well lets begin with conventions.Conventions play a big role in genres. Understanding a genres fixed pattern of conventions can help you better detect a genre. Going through these four different genre generator websites helped me realize how much of a variety of genres that is actually out there. It helped me see that each and every genre has its own characteristics, tone, purpose, text and audience. Each genre is unique in its own way.


  1. Wow this was very well written. The way that everythinh was structured and organized was good. I like how you used the screenshots at the end to really give the readers a visual of what exaclty you were seeing on that plot generator site. Really good interpretation on the conventions for the generators that you used. Great job!

  2. Great job! You explained everything thoroughly and very well. I liked how you started off by predicting some conventions and then went on with that to explain every one step by step to help understand. I also liked the many pictures you added.

  3. I liked how you concluded everything at the end of your writing. It helped me have a better understanding of what it is that you were comparing. That was a great way to help myself and others understand the differences and similarities in among the different genre generators. Everything was well written and organized which made it easy to follow along. I also liked how you predicted certain thing before written and then eventually adding on to what you did or didn't predict. Great job!


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