Part 1 : 2 Scholarly articles
#1-  Negotiating the hierarchy: Social dominance orientation among women is associated with the endorsement of benevolent sexism
#2- Sexism and Gender Inequality Across 57 Societies

Part 2 : Both of these articles authors started off  examining different things but came to the same conclusion, that sexism contributes to gender inequality. The first four authors of the journal article “Negotiating the hierarchy: Social dominance orientation among women is associated with the endorsement of benevolent sexism “  Helena R. M. Radke, Matthew J. Hornsey,  Chris G. Sibley and Fiona Kate Barlow examined how women high in social dominance orientation reconcile ( make consistent with another ) supporting a social system that seemingly disadvantages them.These authors argued that women high in social dominance orientation are more likely to adopt a benevolently sexist worldview. The second author studies women’s inequality by directly testing whether sexism enhances gender hierarchies and their argument was that sexism not only legitimizes the societal status quo, but also actively enhances the severity of the gender hierarchy.
 The first article collects data from two data surveys and conducted two surveys. Study 1 used data from the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Survey which is a study of social attitudes, personality, and health outcomes among New Zealanders. Measures of Social Dominance Orientation, as well as Hostile and Benevolent Sexism were included in Study 1. Study 2 consisted of data from a smaller sample of American females. The extent to which participants perceived the gender hierarchy to be legitimate and their perceived personal need for protection from men was also measured in study 2. In the second article data was also drawn from a survey but only one. Data was drawn from the fifth wave of the World Values Survey Association, 2009, which includes representative samples from 57 countries and highly autonomous regions.

Part 3 : These journal articles are a unique piece because these researchers took a topic that people around the world don't really pay attention to or are not aware about and made conducted a study to inform its audience. They take a discipline and find the little bittiest topic to study and write about. Their conventions include formats, headings, graphs, jargon, data, research, methods, keywords, their conclusion was similar and both articles were informative.An accordance for these articles is that they are very accessible to find online with your psu account. A constraint is that if you don't have access to the internet you will have to go out of your way to get a journal article (ex, going to the library..)  The author's purpose of journal articles is to educate other professors and students about a discipline. The audience is students and other professors, people looking to stop sexism and gender inequality or even people who want to learn more about the subject/ discipline. I can tell by the jargon used in both texts. The writing style is MLA. Both pieces are organized in an experimental way, meaning they start off with an introduction, predictions, methods, data/graphs, results and a conclusion. The logic behind this is so that the readers as well as the writers can see the results after the process,the data collected and to be able to recognize whether or not their hypothesis was correct or not.

Part 4 : One specific aspect that striked me as the most important as well as interesting was that the results of journal article “ Sexism and Gender Inequality Across 57 Societies “ suggests that sexism not only legitimizes gender inequality, but actively makes it worse. I find this both important and interesting because I think it is unfair that sexism plays such a big role in our lives and not much is being done about it, It is considered as a “ norm “ in our society almost. Also I knew women were affected by sexism but I never knew it was to this extent ( employment decisions, pay inequity,
and violence against women ). People are greatly affected by sexism thorough out out society and even when a women speak up not much changes.
