Part 1 - My classmates feedback gave me many ideas to how I may think about my Acura research project in different ways. My classmates suggested that I focus on a specific topic within gender inequality because my topic was a bit to broad. Topics such as gender pay and workload were suggested. They also suggested that I make my research question clear from the start so that they wouldn’t be left wondering throughout my whole project. My classmates encouraged me to be more time and effort into my topic as well as show more passionate to my topic. I am thinking about going back to my original research question. 
Part 2 - Since family socio - economic background is the greatest prediction of success on SAT and ACT, should this test be abolished because it acts as a barrier to students who are seeking entry to universities?
Part 3-
 Forthcoming. Kwon, Ronald and Elizabeth Hughes. Multiculturalist policies in an age of immigration: Do multiculturalist policies influence negative immigrant attitudes towards homosexuality? Ethnicities.
